Sunday, June 22, 2014

What TFIOS means to me.

I've written a few times on here how hard The Fault in Our Stars by John Green hit home for me as a thyroid cancer survivor. Of course, with the movie coming out, there is a lot of new discussions about the book, and the fact that John Green used cancer patients as the stars of a romance story. The criticisms about a fiction story revolving around two kids with cancer really got me thinking, and what came out of it was this piece. Writing has always been my therapy, and I sat down one night and hammered out my story, and tried to articulate why this novel, and consequently the film, have had such a positive influence on me and my recovery. I'm so grateful wanted to publish my piece on their site, and have been overwhelmed by the feedback I've received so far from people who are fighting cancer, have overcome cancer, or who haven't had cancer, but gained a new perspective on what this story could mean to someone. I've been walking on clouds the past couple of days.
If you would like to read the story, please click here!

Thank you for reading! I hope you are all having an A+ weekend!


  1. Love the positive vibe from this! I definitely enjoyed the book and the film.
