Monday, January 28, 2013

Featured Reader: Micaela from Dolce Vita

I couldn't have this 'Featured Reader' segment without including one of my favorite bloggers, Micaela. I think Micaela is one of those bloggers that is just a big, beautiful ray of sunshine in the blogging world. Several moons ago, she had made a post that she was going to be reading a J.D. Salinger novel with another blogger, Jo. I really stuck my nose in on that one, mentioned I loved Salinger, and the three of us banded together to create an online book club. We each asked two or three questions about the book, and then wrote about it on our own sites. My favorite question that we asked for every book was, "What are your favorite quotes from this book?" I always laughed because where I was often picking out the quotes about disparity, heartache, and sadness, Micaela was always picking up the beautiful, heart-wrenching and life-affirming quotes that I had hardly even noticed. That's why I love reading Micaela's blog - she's always able to see the beauty and gold in life. She is the queen of thrifting, and new mama to a beautiful baby girl, Felix. Even though our little book club is on a hiatus (girls, I'm down to read with you again ANY time!), I still enjoy hearing what Micaela has to say about reading and books, and I was so excited to read her answers to my questions.

What are you currently reading? 
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling. I have fallen head over heels for her thanks to The Mindy Project. Her book was the only thing I asked my husband to get me for Christmas. 

Have you always been a reader? What is your earliest reading memory? 
Always. I remember my teacher reading us Green Eggs and Ham in Kindergarten while we ate green eggs.

Which genre of books do you love the best? 
I love Literary Fiction, Memoirs, and occasionally Short Story Collections. 

Where is your favorite reading spot? What about that spot makes it so special? 
My bathtub is my favorite reading spot. After having a baby, there's few places I can "escape" to. When my husband watches Fe, it feels like a special luxury to relax in bubbles with a book (and often a glass of wine). 

What are three of your most favorite books? 
The Time Traveler's Wife, Eat, Pray, Love and Love Story.

You are the new mama to an adorable little girl, Felix. She's only a couple of months old, but have you already started reading to her? 
Yes! When Felix was a newborn I read what I was reading out loud to her (doctors say it's good for the baby to hear your voice). When Felix was only three weeks old, I was reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I remember thinking reading the word "masturbation" out loud to my newborn would probably be frowned upon. 

What is one of your favorite books to read to Felix? 
On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman.
"On the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked in to see you and the night wind whispered, "Life will never be the same."  Because there had never been anyone like you... ever in the world." 
It's such a sweet book and there's even parts for you to interact with your baby. 

Have your reading habits changed since having your daughter? When do you squeeze in your reading time? 
I definitely have less time to read which was a hard adjustment (when I love a book I cannot put it down). The best time I squeeze in my reading is while I'm laying with Felix and she's nursing. To me, it's one of the pluses of breastfeeding :) 

I love seeing your thrifting finds..any favorite book-related thrifts? 
I was so excited when I found these- read alongs on vinyl (books are included and have the best illustrations). 
Valentine's Day is coming up, what book on your "to-read" list would you love to receive from your husband? 
The History of Love. I'm embarrassed to admit I have never read it though I've always wanted to. I can't think of a better occasion than Valentine's to check that off my list. 
Psst... Husband incase you are reading this, Felix says she wants Andy Warhol's Colors

Thank you so much for answering my questions, Micaela! Please check out her blog, Dolce Vita.


  1. Thank-you for having us Courtney! You are too kind. I had so much fun answering these questions (which are great--I'm excited to read future features).

    I'll let you know if my husband pays attention ;) because I know you loved The History of Love.


  2. :) little fe was definitely born to read. what a great way to start this off!

    haha Mickey! "masturbation" did you say it out loud and get embarrassed? LOL

  3. I did Christina! it was while I was visiting you in fact haha (btw, Perks is SUCH a great book if you haven't read it)

    Sollie and FeFe can read Sollie's Little Pookie series LOL

  4. I really love this interview series! It's a great way to find new books and blogs!

  5. What a great blog! I'm a new GFC follower :) Love the interview!
